editing, managing and commissioning
I was responsible for editing and designing all articles and other content in InDesign for the College's January 2021 The Bulletin and saw it through to publication (print and digital). This edition celebrated the pathology workforce and securing its future in changing times. In addition to regular College news, this edition
also included wide-ranging articles on subjects such as higher specialist scientific training,
diversity and inclusion, International Pathology Day, Covid-19, coronaviruses and preparedness
for the next pandemic, and much more.
I also edited and designed articles and other content for the April 2021 edition up to point of handover
in March 2021. As well as all the regular sections detailing College news, this edition focused on genomics and pathology, including features on integrating genomics into pathology, incorporating genomics into clinical biochemistry services, the 100,000 Genome Project, genomic testing
for haematological malignancies and training the pathology workforce in genomic medicine,
as well as resources on viruses and vaccines.
For the spring 2013 edition of Macmillan's healthcare professional magazine, Mac Voice, I was responsible for editing all content and saw it through to print. The spring edition included news, a Q&A with a Boots Macmillan information pharmacist, six features on subjects including rehabilitation and clinical buddying, a sharing good practice pull-out on networking and sharing in the internet age, an In-focus section
on acute oncology services, and resources.
I also commissioned and planned the summer 2013 edition. In addition to the regular news
and resources sections, this edition included a Q&A with a Macmillan specialist oncology
dietitian (whom I interviewed), 11 features on subjects including acute oncology, information prescriptions training, caring for children and voluntary care in Africa. The good practice
pull-out focused on delivering good presentations.
I was the editor of Diabetes UK's quarterly healthcare professional magazine, Diabetes Update, for
three years, planning, commissioning, editing and producing 14 editions. I also led on a complete
redesign and editorial revamping, expanding content, improving quality and reducing costs,
all completed in time for the third edition.
Each edition of Diabetes Update included news, research news, an opinion piece, a three-way diagnostic and treatment discussion feature called 'Talking clinic', a digested version of an article featured in the organisation's academic journal, Diabetic Medicine, and sections focusing on developments and good practice in diabetes service delivery and care delivery. Additionally, there were three full-length feature articles on wide-ranging subjects, with one usually dedicated to promising areas of research. The magazine also included regular fact files, professional diary dates and wall-charts (insulins, insulin pens and meters).
During my time as editor, I commissioned a readership satisfaction survey, which delivered
a 95% approval rating.
Action on Hearing Loss's Volunteer Focus, June 2017, and two editions of its Policy and campaigns Newsletter. I did detailed line editing of all copy, providing new copywriting where required, and proofreading of all layouts.
Volunteer Focus rounded up all news relevant to the organisation's volunteers, including events, awards and campaigning, and also featured a Q&A with a volunteer who had made a notable contribution to the organisation's goals.
The Policy and campaigns Newsletter, with an introduction from the Director of Policy and Campaigns, included news updates, features and regular sections related to the organisation's work in the areas of national policy, and to its active campaigns to improve the lives of everyone who is deaf or has hearing loss.
Diabetes UK's research magazine for non-professional members,
Research matters, was produced three times a year. I was the managing editor for three years, in which time I saw it through a complete redesign.
Research matters regularly included news, research results and updates on
the organisation's latest round of research funding, a feature article focusing
on promising or breakthrough diabetes research, and an interview with
a Diabetes UK-funded researcher.