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Jack and Bill went up the trippy hill...


Intriguing and mysterious, One Night, Two Liars is part psychotic episode, part Faustus and part Jekyll & Hyde, filtered through psychedelics in a modern urban setting.

Confused, angry, hungover, a little bloodied, and strangely drawn by an old trunk, Bill stumbles into a second-hand shop. Inside, he meets enigmatic shop-owner Jack, who plies him with a powerful mind-altering drink. 

Over the course of a long night, fuelled by the psychedelic drink, the two strangers swap stories. Bill tells of failed relationships, an abusive father, petty crime, violence and ugly secrets. Jack tells Bill about a young man he once knew called Jon – disturbed, filled with rage and desperate for a new life. 

As names, places and memories overlap, boundaries dissolve. But when the morning comes, what can be believed when the only thing that matters is what's
in the trunk?

Amazon customer 5-star reviews

'This book works on several levels, twisting time and space into a metaphysical mystery. Intriguing, repulsing and even amusing. Not for the faint hearted, but very rewarding.'


'a plot driven page turner that is also dazzlingly written with a precision of language and character; dizzying and disturbing but tautly structured'

'Having recently read the challenging Last Exit to Brooklyn, One Night, Two Liars shares a similar sense of being challenging yet ultimately rewarding.'

'Buy it. Read it. Then re-read it. And then try getting some sleep.'

'This jigsaw puzzle of a book comes together and yet at the same time – and maybe it is this that makes it feel so satisfying too – the jigsaw pieces do not fit altogether snugly, with themes, such as mental health, past lives, parallel lives possibly giving clarification on one level and yet at the same time generating questions for the reader to think about'

'This is a gloriously unpredictable, beautifully descriptive, fast moving and dark read'

Read more reviews at Amazon UK

Cover image of the novel One Night, Two Liars by Brian G Burns

Available from Amazon


ISBN-10: 1515074390

ISBN-13: 978-1515074397

Price: £6.99

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