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Feature articles

Action on Hearing Loss Scientifically Speaking article by Brian G Burns
Action on Hearing Loss Reaching an understanding article by Brian G Burns

Two articles for Action on Hearing Loss's membership magazine in 2017: I wrote 'Scientifically speaking' based on background information and an interview with the featured researcher; and substantially reworked the original copy for 'Reaching an understanding'.

UNISON In Which they serve article by Brian G Burns
UNISON In Which they serve article pages 2 and 3, by Brian G Burns

In 2017, I wrote this article for UNISON's magazine to promote its Public Service Champions campaign, using background information supplied and recorded telephone interviews with four contributors. 

Diabetes Update article Fat's what it's all about by Brian G Burns
Diabetes Update article Doctor, Doctor by Brian G Burns
Diabetes Update article Trouble in mind by Brian G Burns
Diabetes Update article The learning curve by Brian G Burns

Four of a large number of articles written for Diabetes UK's quarterly healthcare professional magazine, all based on multiple source documents and recorded interviews with a range of researchers, medical professionals and other contributors.

Balance article Saddle up pardner by Brian G Burns
Balance article Life's tough. but Zen again by Brian G Burns
Balance article Breaking down the barriers by Brian G Burns

Sometimes a dry subject needs a lighter touch, as seen here in 'Saddle up' and 'Zen again'; often, more difficult content needs to be accessible, as in 'Breaking down the barriers'. These are just three of many articles I wrote for Diabetes UK's membership magazine. 

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